haven't seen you in a while!

I went to see one of my bestest friend today. Haven't seen Eda for a long time. The four of us (Eda, Ady, Jad and I) used to go everywhere together. Those were the days and I really miss those days. Now I guess everybody's busy catching rainbows. We will always find a way to see each other whenever we have the chance but the chance isn't always there.

So, back to the story, we went to Mid Valley today to do a little shopping. Well, a little for me and Wawa but a lot for Eda. She bought a present for her friend, a few shirts, a book and also managed to find a pair of shoes at the end of the day.

The sweetest thing is that of all the things she bought, I hadn't noticed she'd bought a card for me. It was a birthday card with the sweetest and truest words. She didn't get to sign it, though. She said she'll sign it the next time I see her. Hahaha...that is so Eda. Can't wait to see her and the other girls as well. Really miss them.....a LOT!

*those were the days*

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