why they say it's scary! v2.0

Earlier tonight..

My room

My phone rang - a text message from a classmate: "Eqa, test starts 8 pm, not 8.30". Huh?? I looked at my phone clock. 7.45 pm. And they're telling us now? I thought our lecturer said it starts at 8.30 pm. So, to WDKU2 we rushed.

People were already there. We were among the last to arrive. Then we waited. And waited. So the test is starting at 8.30. Fine, I thought. We're already here. No point grumbling. So we waited for our final paper of Test 1 season to start. And waited..

Not long after we waited came a lecturer into the hall. My tutorial lecturer. "The staff with the question papers isn't here. So, I'm gonna have to cancel the test tonight. It is postponed to another date which will be announced later".

And we were like "What the...?" We were supposed to be test-free starting 10 pm tonight. We were supposed to be able to breathe again. Why are they doing this to us? This morning my presentation was postponed to next week. Before that my other presentation was postponed to another week because the lecturer forgot we were supposed to present that day. Next week was supposed to be my stress-free week. I was planning to finish The Guardian. Ugghhh...! I stayed up until 4.30 am for a canceled test. Oh, why are they doing this to us?

I hereby announce that I will be flustered for another week. Bear with me, people.

2 flew over the cuckoo's nest:

Ka Ann Nor Raihan said...

Sabo! Sabo! Take it easy. Take a deep breath. Take a break.... ada hikmahnya tu.. :)

P/S: I miss you.

Dyat said...

kes aneh ini, tiada paper.

on positive side : maksudnya boleh revision lagi. hoho... ganbare!

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