seniors/alumni vs juniors

I went to a Senandika gathering last Saturday. It was so much fun, I can't find the right words to describe it (at least not when I'm sleep-deprived right now), so I'm just gonna talk a bit and let the pictures tell the rest.

The plan was to meet at Times Square around 10.30 am. I got there late and most of them were already there. Bro Peedot and Bro Azril were there too. Along with Bob, Kak Ila, Kak Akma, Kay, Chot, DJ, Kak Aina, Daoz and Jumain. Did I miss anybody? We all sat at the food court and some had their breakfast (some even had their second breakfast! Hehehe..) Then along came Rani from Low Yat Plaza with a big box of Big Apple donuts. Yum-yum...thanx Rani!

Unfortunately Rani wasn't in any of the pictures (but the Big Apple box was in a few...ngeheheh). Then, with happy bellies and time to kill while waiting for the Super Seniors aka Abg Raja, Kak Mel and Abg Wan, we hung around a bit more. Kay, Chot and I went to Low Yat Plaza to look for computer accessories and software. I finally got what I had been planning to buy since the past week. The rest of them stayed inside Times Square.

At about 2.00 pm we regathered at the bowling alley. Everybody was there including Tito and Che Am. We played only one game but it was tonnes of fun. It was the seniors/alumi vs juniors. I was obviously in the juniors' team and for a little while it seems like we were going to win. But then the graph declined and it seemed like an instant win for the seniors.

After bowling we went for our Zuhur prayer, then we ate again, then for our Asar prayer. The next spot was originally planned to be Lake Garden but they (the drivers) thought it would be easier if we went to Taman Tasik Titiwangsa instead. So there we went and a lot of pictures we took. It was like crashing a party!

After lots of snaps and stares we decided it was time for theater. So we head to Stor Dewan Bahasa and got there in time for our Maghrib prayer. The play started at 8.30 pm. It was a full house. Projek KoKEN:Teater Kompilasi Vol 1 is a compilation of 4 stories with 1 motive. It was a briliant 1-hour-and-45-minutes. We hung around for a while and talked to the crews of the production. They shared a lot in such a short time. It was great!

[Senandika with Zahiril Adzim, director and actor]

[Senandika with Intan and Ameerul, actors]

[me with Fared Ayam, director and actor]

At about 10.45 pm Bro Azril send Che Am and Kak Mel to the monorail station. Then we went to NZ Curry House at Wangsa Maju before sending me home. Indeed, it was another memorable moment in my Senandika album.

5 flew over the cuckoo's nest:

Anonymous said...

we made it!kudos for us!!

footnote:feels like doing it again rite?

mocQachinno said...

yup2! sure does!
kudos to us!!

Melody M. said...

Feel like doing it again? Oh yes I feel like doing it like, NOW!!

Huhu..miss u ppl oredi...

P/s: Can someone send me the picz?

c h o c o l a t e i.c.e said...

sape2 yg breakfast due kali tu..?

bukan tyme mkn tu.mmg dh tengah ari pe..


azwan bamadhaj said...

nice knowing you...

n we had such a great time......

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