
(I dedicate this post to each and everyone who knows me. Each and everyone.)

2010. Sempat juga aku sampai ke tahun ini. Alhamdulillah. Ini semua dengan izinNya jua.

Sebulan lebih. Itu masa yang diambil untuk kembali menulis di ruangan ini. Sepanjang sebulan lebih itu banyak yang boleh diceritakan di sini namun hati aku tak berkeinginan untuk berkongsi. I'm guessing this happens a lot to other writers as well. So, enough said about my not writing here anymore because I knew that eventually I will write again. Eventually. That is what I've been telling my one particular friend who is also one of the reason I am writing again. Yes, my mood to write ran away for a while when vacations didn't seem to work but it finally found its way home.

Only minutes ago it was 2009. How time flies. The year of the Ox left behind all kinds of memoirs. The bitter, the sweet, and everything in between. The only difference between this year and last year's new year celebration is my perspective on it. 2009 was celebrated with excitement, plans and expectations for the upcoming year. 2010, on the other hand, starts off with a review of what had happened along the past year. Bermuhasabah diri seketika. Tak salah kan sekali-sekala memandang ke belakang? Kira subjeknya masih sama. 2009. Tapi dilihat dari perspektif berbeza.

If life is a journey then I consider 2009 as the road that I have traveled on. A journey through LIFE is like a wildcard where you don't know your destination until you reach it. And no GPSs are given so it's mostly intuitive or a gamble. You choose your own route and that will determine your destination. In this case, my mind, body and soul revolved along the way.

So if 2009 is a road, I'd say the journey started off smoothly. I was enjoying the ride. Of course, there were bumps and holes here and there but it was nothing I couldn't handle. However, as I was reaching the end of the road I came across a very confusing roundabout. I got lost while making my turns and didn't know which route I should take. But eventually, I found the way and got to the end of the road.

Everything happens for a reason. Ada hikmahnya. Allah tak akan memberi ujian selain yang mampu dihadapi oleh hambanya. Mistakes happened so we can learn from it. And I've learnt so much through what had happened. I've learnt that the bitter teaches you much more than the sweet. Dan aku bersyukur atas ujian yang telah Engkau berikan. Because it made me stronger. And it also opened my eyes to things I never knew before. Kan dah kata everything happens for a reason. *wink*

So, I would like to say thank you to each and everyone who knows me. The ones who loathes me and the ones who likes me. Those who helped me and those who made my life a living hell. The supportive ones and the skeptical ones. From the bottom of my heart,


Because like it or not, you guys made me stronger. Happy New Year guys!

7 flew over the cuckoo's nest:

kamaluddin_sarif said...

happy new year 2010!
wish you all the best in ur studies adn in ur life too!

c h o c o l a t e i.c.e said...

terima kasih kerana sudi kenal dengan bob.maaf kalau ada wat salah.maaf kalau ade terguris hati.all da best for u.gudlak.
p.s:kawan sampai mati ye.

Dyat said...

Salam Tahun baru Eqa =)
Rise and blossom!

MiRaE said...

qaqa!be strong ya!sy ade utkkamu..lala n yaya pon ade...hihi...syg kamu sgt2!adikku!haha

Anonymous said...

happy 2010 eQa n family! :)

mocQachinno said...

happy new year to you too kamal. wish you the bestest best in everything.

terima kasih kembali. dan eqa juga minta maaf atas segala salah dan silap.

ps: ya, kawan sampai mati!

bro dayat,
ditto. =]
all rise!

saya sayang kamu semua! =)

u have a happy new year too, aite!

Ka Ann Nor Raihan said...

Hey! It's a bit too late, but Happy New Year young lady. 2009 left with lots of good and bad memories BUT most of all, I'm blessed with LOVE amongst you people who made me strong and filled my life with HappYness!!

eQa and frens.. Happy New Year.. Enjoy your 2010 and have FUN and not forgetting ALLAH The Almighty. Remember the journey continues on and on and on..till the last breath. =)


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