a little reunion

After going through several plans on how to spend this new year's eve, I finally decided to celebrate it with my best friends since high school: Ady, Ummi and Jad. They were my classmates back when I was studying in Puteri Wilayah and has been my BFFs ever since. Allow me to introduce:

Siti Nur Hadikhah aka Ady. The first girl who ever talked to me in Puteri Wilayah. She was one of my nine classmates back then and is now studying in UM. She was also my roommate for over a year when we were in high school. She can get excited over anything and everyone. A bit quirky and blur sometimes. The kind that is not bothered by small matters. She's a friend you can always count on for good advice.

Ummi Ainon Erda aka Ummi (or some people call her Eda). She's currently studying in USIM. We also went to Kedah Matriculation College together. When you first saw her you'll probably say she's arrogant and unfriendly but you'll realize that you were very wrong once you get to know her. Small Petite like myself. Very, very, very, very.....very talkative. She can talk real fast - which I am also capable of - and sometimes when we talk nobody else understands. It's fun and I love her for that. She makes a very good confidante.

Siti Jadirah aka Jad. She's the tallest among the four of us but still she's the shortest in her family (yes, we are all very cute people). I stayed at her house for about a year during my high school years. Being the last one to join us in Puteri Wilayah, she came around as the kind of girl that always do things her way. Very determined once she sets her mind to something. She might not know that she's one of my source of strength being the strong person that she is. She's studying in UiTM now.
However, Jad couldn't join us for the celebration because of her family affairs.

So it was just the three of us. It's been quite some time since we last gathered together so it was like a little reunion. Ady and I went to The Mines together and we hung around and had our late lunch at the Secret Recipe. Ummi joined us a little after lunch and we drove straight to Alamanda. We had dinner - again, at the Secret Recipe since Ummi didn't get to join us for lunch - and later went for a midnight serving of Alvin & The Chipmunks 2. The chipmunks - and the chipettes - were all so cute! We headed out of Putrajaya at around 2:15 am. Something interesting happened when we stopped by the Nilai Toll surau but I guess that will be just among the three of us. We then decided to crash at Ummi's place. We had the most fun ever!

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