RAYA '10

Happy Raya everybody! Yeah, I'm actually still in the mood for Raya celebrations. I've said it lots of time: this year's Raya is especially fun. Maybe it's because my family flew home from Brunei. Maybe it's because it has been a long time since I last went back to Tanjung Malim, Perak. Maybe it's because the whole Tok Rahman family had not gathered for a while. Or maybe it's all of the reasons mentioned.

My family (Papa, Mama, Aa, Aiman and Adib) arrived from Brunei a few days before Raya and we went to Tanjung Malim on Raya eve. Not everybody was there this year but it was merry enough. Pictures were taken, actions were recorded, moments were captured. It was indeed a lot of fun especially with the little nieces and nephews running around looking cute!


1 flew over the cuckoo's nest:

Ka Ann Nor Raihan said...

Happy Raya to you dear, it was a most meaningful and memorable Raya..best! ;))

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