happy 21

yesterday i turned 21. yes, people, i'm a year older (and hopefully wiser). i remember in the past years i always blog when it comes to my birthday. well, it's my third year in pahang and while i'm here i've celebrated my birthday in three very different ways. with three groups of very different people. at three different places. and i've enjoyed all three of them. very much.

during those years i would usually blog a lot about how i spent my birthdays. or how i felt during those days. but then again, i would blog elaborately about almost anything back then. now, however, even a single picture is hard to post when i've got a neverending list of things to do. time just flies now with so many things to do in so little time.

i remember my family would throw birthday parties when i was a little kid. friends and family would come with presents. the anticipation of knowing what was in those wrapped boxes and the excitement of making a wish before blowing the candle always made me a content and gleeful birthday girl.

i guess those kinds of celebration don't really apply to a lady in her 20s with so much going on for her anymore. no, i'm more happy with a single wish of 'Happy Birthday' which only means that people appreciate me enough to remember my birthday. and i appreciate that very much. it's the thought that counts. right, wishers? i do consider presents as bonuses, though. =]



yeah, i'm 21 now. doesn't differ much from being 20. it still feels the same. it'll probably feel different again when i'm turning 30. maybe i'll feel the same nervous/excited feeling like the time i turned 20. hurmm... maybe it is the change of the first digit that causes that nervous/excited-ness. whatever it is, i'm sure i'll be happier every other year. right now, i'm just focusing on being happy living life.

thanks for all the wishes and the gifts, people!

3 flew over the cuckoo's nest:

skidsoil said...

hey2, how come i missed ur bday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR!! <3

Ka Ann Nor Raihan said...

Happy Birthday Darling!!! I still remember those parties, bbqs, picnics etc... you were awesome and still are!

p/s: i <3 you.

present? KIV dulu ahaks! tunggu eQa jejak kaki ke Brunei or mama jejak kaki ke Malaysia. =)

mocQachinno said...

daoz dearie,
right, how come you missed my bday??

mummy dearest,
thankies mummy!! those moments were fun. tggu eqa blek brunei ek....

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