

Apa guna berdiri gagah mendabik dada?
Apa guna berhujah seperti tahu segala?
Jika apa yang dikata membawa bencana.
Apa yang dicanang semuanya usul tanpa periksa.

Pejamkan mata. Bukalah minda.
Cuba berhenti yang berbicara.
Aku minta kalian tenang seketika.

Tenang seketika dan dengar.
Dengar dan fahami situasi.
Jangan hakimi sesuka hati.
Tenang seketika dan kau akan mengerti.

kuatkan semangat.

Pagi tadi aku dapat satu berita buruk. Aku kehilangan sesuatu yang aku sayang. Kepada sesiapa yang suatu masa dulu sering berkata2 dan mempersendakan tentang ini kepada aku seolah2 mendoakan ianya berlaku, puaslah hati kamu! Memang ini yang kamu mahu kan?

Satu demi satu berita aku terima dan tiada satu pun yang gembira. Aku terima panggilan yang mengejutkan sekali lagi. Kali kedua untuk hari ini. Seorang sahabat-sampai-mati aku sedang dalam waktu yang amat sukar baginya. Aku yang mendengar pun dah tak tertahan sebak di dada. Tapi dia masih dengan semangatnya. Ya, itu memang salah satu kekuatan dia.

Kepada sahabat-sampai-mati itu, kuatkan semangat. Ingat segala ujian dari Allah itu ada hikmahnya. Aku doakan semuanya akan kembali pulih seperti sediakala. Bila2 kau perlukan aku, roger.

My Little MoMo

Remember I once said here that I am going to have a pet turtle and name it MoMo? Well, I finally did! Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce you to MoMo. My new pet turtle and here's a bit more about him:
  • It's a he.
  • He love's watching TV and gets very excited when he hears music.
  • Just like the owner, he loves heights and likes to climb up high places (I'm thinking of bringing him bungee jumping someday).
  • He became a member of the family on December 28th, 2009 so that made it his official birthday.
  • When I first got him, he was only 3.5 cm in diameter. (So cute!)
  • He also likes to go sight-seeing.
  • Very prone to eye-sore.
  • His favourite trick is play dead (and it STILL scares me each time).

This is MoMo posing beside his food bottle. I'm not sure if he intends to be a model when he grows up but he is definitely showing some signs here. Whatever his plans for the future may be, he'll just have to consult it with me first.

This is MoMo's house. It's where he swims and crawls and does the somersaults. This is also where he sleeps and eat and since he's still a growing baby, he sleeps A LOT. Too much that it worries me sometimes.

This white thingy is his water conditioner which is also his source of calcium. It's supposed to make his shell hard and shiny. This thing dissolves slowly into the water and will in time lose it's initial shape. MoMo used to think that it was a living albino turtle and made it his friend. He only realises that it's just a piece of rock after three days communicating with it and never get any reply.

So that, ladies and gentlemen, is my Little MoMo. I'm hoping he would grow up to be a handsome and happy turtle. *wink*

ps: you can watch his video via Facebook here.

a little reunion

After going through several plans on how to spend this new year's eve, I finally decided to celebrate it with my best friends since high school: Ady, Ummi and Jad. They were my classmates back when I was studying in Puteri Wilayah and has been my BFFs ever since. Allow me to introduce:

Siti Nur Hadikhah aka Ady. The first girl who ever talked to me in Puteri Wilayah. She was one of my nine classmates back then and is now studying in UM. She was also my roommate for over a year when we were in high school. She can get excited over anything and everyone. A bit quirky and blur sometimes. The kind that is not bothered by small matters. She's a friend you can always count on for good advice.

Ummi Ainon Erda aka Ummi (or some people call her Eda). She's currently studying in USIM. We also went to Kedah Matriculation College together. When you first saw her you'll probably say she's arrogant and unfriendly but you'll realize that you were very wrong once you get to know her. Small Petite like myself. Very, very, very, very.....very talkative. She can talk real fast - which I am also capable of - and sometimes when we talk nobody else understands. It's fun and I love her for that. She makes a very good confidante.

Siti Jadirah aka Jad. She's the tallest among the four of us but still she's the shortest in her family (yes, we are all very cute people). I stayed at her house for about a year during my high school years. Being the last one to join us in Puteri Wilayah, she came around as the kind of girl that always do things her way. Very determined once she sets her mind to something. She might not know that she's one of my source of strength being the strong person that she is. She's studying in UiTM now.
However, Jad couldn't join us for the celebration because of her family affairs.

So it was just the three of us. It's been quite some time since we last gathered together so it was like a little reunion. Ady and I went to The Mines together and we hung around and had our late lunch at the Secret Recipe. Ummi joined us a little after lunch and we drove straight to Alamanda. We had dinner - again, at the Secret Recipe since Ummi didn't get to join us for lunch - and later went for a midnight serving of Alvin & The Chipmunks 2. The chipmunks - and the chipettes - were all so cute! We headed out of Putrajaya at around 2:15 am. Something interesting happened when we stopped by the Nilai Toll surau but I guess that will be just among the three of us. We then decided to crash at Ummi's place. We had the most fun ever!


(I dedicate this post to each and everyone who knows me. Each and everyone.)

2010. Sempat juga aku sampai ke tahun ini. Alhamdulillah. Ini semua dengan izinNya jua.

Sebulan lebih. Itu masa yang diambil untuk kembali menulis di ruangan ini. Sepanjang sebulan lebih itu banyak yang boleh diceritakan di sini namun hati aku tak berkeinginan untuk berkongsi. I'm guessing this happens a lot to other writers as well. So, enough said about my not writing here anymore because I knew that eventually I will write again. Eventually. That is what I've been telling my one particular friend who is also one of the reason I am writing again. Yes, my mood to write ran away for a while when vacations didn't seem to work but it finally found its way home.

Only minutes ago it was 2009. How time flies. The year of the Ox left behind all kinds of memoirs. The bitter, the sweet, and everything in between. The only difference between this year and last year's new year celebration is my perspective on it. 2009 was celebrated with excitement, plans and expectations for the upcoming year. 2010, on the other hand, starts off with a review of what had happened along the past year. Bermuhasabah diri seketika. Tak salah kan sekali-sekala memandang ke belakang? Kira subjeknya masih sama. 2009. Tapi dilihat dari perspektif berbeza.

If life is a journey then I consider 2009 as the road that I have traveled on. A journey through LIFE is like a wildcard where you don't know your destination until you reach it. And no GPSs are given so it's mostly intuitive or a gamble. You choose your own route and that will determine your destination. In this case, my mind, body and soul revolved along the way.

So if 2009 is a road, I'd say the journey started off smoothly. I was enjoying the ride. Of course, there were bumps and holes here and there but it was nothing I couldn't handle. However, as I was reaching the end of the road I came across a very confusing roundabout. I got lost while making my turns and didn't know which route I should take. But eventually, I found the way and got to the end of the road.

Everything happens for a reason. Ada hikmahnya. Allah tak akan memberi ujian selain yang mampu dihadapi oleh hambanya. Mistakes happened so we can learn from it. And I've learnt so much through what had happened. I've learnt that the bitter teaches you much more than the sweet. Dan aku bersyukur atas ujian yang telah Engkau berikan. Because it made me stronger. And it also opened my eyes to things I never knew before. Kan dah kata everything happens for a reason. *wink*

So, I would like to say thank you to each and everyone who knows me. The ones who loathes me and the ones who likes me. Those who helped me and those who made my life a living hell. The supportive ones and the skeptical ones. From the bottom of my heart,


Because like it or not, you guys made me stronger. Happy New Year guys!

i ♥ audrey hepburn.

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